LeiaSR SDK 720218b2 v1.32.7.6322 2025-02-13T14:55:38Z
Classes | Namespaces | Macros | Functions
WindowsDisplayUtilities.h File Reference
#include <Windows.h>
#include <SetupAPI.h>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <physicalmonitorEnumerationapi.h>
#include "sr/types.h"
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union  SR::EdidData
struct  SR::Resolution
struct  SR::DDCCISettings
 Holds all data required to set the DDC/CI settings of the display. More...
struct  SR::MonitorData


namespace  SR
 Namespace containing all C++ Simulated Reality classes.




DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::isProductCodeSupported (std::string productCode)
 checks if the given productCode is supported More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::getNativeResolution (const LUID adapterLuid, const UINT32 targetId, DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_PREFERRED_MODE &PreferredMode)
 Gets preferred or recommended resolutions of the monitor. More...
 Gets path of the given monitor handler. More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::getDisplayResolution (LPCSTR deviceName, int &height, int &width)
 Get display resolution of the given monitor. More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::getMonitorList (std::vector< MonitorData > &monitors)
 Gets all active monitor handles and EDID information. More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::getEdidData (const HKEY &hDevRegKey, EdidData &edid)
 Gets edid data given a key from the registry and parses the data. More...
DIMENCOSR_API void SR::logSrMonitor (MonitorData data, bool srDisplay)
 logs the virtual rectangle, virtual position and the srDisplay boolean More...
DIMENCOSR_API void SR::printMonitorList (std::vector< MonitorData > monitors)
 logs all members for a given list of MonitorData More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::getKnownMonitors (const std::vector< MonitorData > &monitors, std::vector< MonitorData > &knownMonitors)
 Gets a list of SR displays from a list of displays. Clears knownMonitors and appends SR monitors found in monitors. More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::getDDCCISupportedMonitors (const std::vector< MonitorData > &monitors, std::vector< DDCCISettings > &DDCCISupportedMonitors)
 gets a list of SR displays that support DDC/CI. Clears DDCCISupportedMonitors and appends the DDC/CI settings of SR displays known to support DDC/CI. More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::disableAttachDetachNotifications ()
 returns true if attach/detach notifications should be disabled for the currently attached monitors. This function assumes only one SR device is attached at a time, it uses the list disableAttachDetachNotificationsByProductCode which should only contain laptop product codes. This function only verifies an SR device by EDID, so it is assumed any SR device will have an EDID that it does not share with non-SR devices. Because it can only verify an SR device by EDID it will only disable notifications related to FPC attach/detach and not monitor attach/detach. Which are events that should not happen for a laptop. More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::matchProductId (const std::string productCode, const MonitorData &monitorData)
 Check expected EDID productId for a given product code. More...
DIMENCOSR_API void SR::addPreferredResolution (std::vector< MonitorData > &externalMonitors)
 add preferred resolution of the given monitors More...
DIMENCOSR_API void SR::addCloneStatus (std::vector< MonitorData > &externalMonitors)
 add clone or duplicate status of connected monitors More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::monitorEquals (const SR::MonitorData &monitorA, const SR::MonitorData &monitorB)
 Compare two given monitors and see if they are the equal based on the EDID data in MonitorData. More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::monitorConfigurationEquals (const SR::MonitorData &monitorA, const SR::MonitorData &monitorB)
 Compare two given monitors and see if they are the equal based on the resolution and duplication values. Specifically, the rectangle, isDuplicated, and displayResolution members are compared. More...
DIMENCOSR_API bool SR::hasNonNativeResolution (const SR::MonitorData &monitor)
 Compare the displayResolution and the nativeResolution of the given monitor. More...
DIMENCOSR_API std::vector< RECT > SR::getMonitorRectangles (const std::vector< MonitorData > &monitors)
 Extract RECT rectangles from a list of MonitorData monitors. More...
DIMENCOSR_API void SR::waitForChangeMonitorRectangles (std::vector< RECT > &monitorRectangles, unsigned int timeBetweenChecks, bool &active)
 Updates monitorRectangles with the rectangles of the monitors currently returned by getMonitorList() and blocks until this list has changed (as a set) More...
DIMENCOSR_API double SR::getMonitorRefreshRate (HMONITOR monitorHandle)
 Return the refresh rate in hertz of the monitor that is represented by the given monitorHandle If the monitor handle is invalid or the refresh rate could otherwise not be retrieved a default value of 60 will be returned. More...

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