Simulated Reality SDK 7500c78d v1.30.2.51085 2024-04-26T11:23:03Z

Dimenco maintains the following interfaces directly.

    • C++ is the programming language used in the implementation of most of the SR software components.
    • The C++ API offers the most direct control of the system.
    • C++ enables developers to realize any SR application that they envision.
    • C++ API Guide
    • Implementation of the Unreal Engine with c++ enables realistic graphics and direct integration of SR functionality.
    • The engine is completely open-source, which offers experienced developers extended flexibility.
    • On the other hand, the blueprint system can be used to implement specific logic, without having to do any actual programming.
    • SR Unreal Guide
    • Unity is very accessible and widely used throughout various industries.
    • The SR functionality is integrated through a C# interface to the C API.
    • The Unity Editor can provide a lot of feedback about the eventual result when you are prototyping.
    • SR Unity Guide


Senses are real-time data providers within the SR system. The SR SDK currently offers interfaces for receiving real-time data from cameras, eyetrackers and handtrackers.

Eye tracking is fundamental to the every Simulated Reality experience. The output of the eyetracker is used in two ways: 1- To determine which physical part of the display under the lens will be visible to your left or right eye. (stereo parallax). 2- To modify the users perspective and allow them to look around objects (motion parallax)

The hardware depends on it to present the user with stereo images, the content depends on it to enable the user to look around objects. (motion parallax)

  • EyeTracker

    Provides access to data about the position of the user's eyes. The EyeTracker interface is described more in-depth. This EyeTracker API Description is a good place to start to understand more about the inner workings of the system.

    This is the 'prototype' SR Sense interface and other SR features are based on it.

  • WeaverTracker

    Provides acces to data about the position of the user. Used for weaving images together. As a developer you will rarely have to use this interface directly. The WeaverTracker API Description does provide some more insight into the workings of the SR system.

  • HeadPoseTracker

    Provides acces to data about the position and orientation of the user's head. The HeadPoseTracker API Description does provide some more insight into the workings of the SR system.

  • HeadTracker

    Provides acces to data about the position of the user's eyes, ears and the position and orientation of the user's head. The HeadTracker API Description does provide some more insight into the workings of the SR system.

  • HandTracker

    Provides access to data about the position of the user's hands

  • Camera

    Provides access to video input

    Under development

  • GestureAnalyser

    Provides access to data about gestures performed by the user

    Under development

Alternative SR Interfaces

For compatibility with other programming languages or frameworks a C-based abstraction from the C++ API is available in the SR C API.

For more high-level application development Unity or Unreal Engine are recommended.

  • Unreal Engine is open-source and C++ based which allows for the direct integration of the C++ based SDK features SR API .
  • Unity allows for the use of C# to add custom features which enables the use of the SR C API .

Plugins for both engines are currently under development and will make the SDK features easily available to both.