LeiaSR SDK 720218b2 v1.32.7.6322 2025-02-13T14:55:38Z

Currently the LeiaSR SDK is the only publicly available LeiaSR product. This development kit enables application developers to get a head start and allows system integrators to develop similar systems with us.

LeiaSR Software Development Kit

The LeiaSR SDK is similar to earlier prototypes that we've shown around the world. However it has significantly more computational power. The previous iteration required a seperate application PC to render graphically challenging visuals. This current version is capable of doing it all on it's own!


While the Development Kit has already received a lot of attention from it's developers, it will continue to be improved. If you are experiencing trouble you might be able to resolve some issues by following these instructions.

  • Hand tracking lost

    The current hand tracking device is the Leap Motion Controller. If hand tracking seems unresponsive, either tracking is currently impossible due to environmental factors, lighting/obstructions or the driver software may have stopped working.

    Performing a system reset will also restart the Leap Motion driver service. You can also attempt to restart the Leap Service manually

  • 3D effect lost

    The primary reason why the 3D effect may be lost is if the eye tracking has ceased. Hand based interaction may still be available. The issue may be resolved by performing a system reset and restarting the application. You can also try to restart the LeiaSR Eye Tracker manually.

  • Unpredictable virtual camera jumps

    Due to environmental factors, the camera images used to determine the user's position may be significantly harder to analyze. This may lead to faulty output being used during rendering and result in jumpy visual output. Consistent lighting conditions help mitigate many issues.

  • Tracking of secondary users

    The technology used to present a three-dimensional image to the user can not cater to multiple users. If multiple faces are within range, some circumstances may lead to the wrong user being tracked. To resolve this, have other users look away or obscure their face for several seconds, such that the system can lock on to the appropriate user.

  • SR Service unavailable

    The application and SR Service service are constantly working together to provide an optimal LeiaSR experience. If they can not communicate, applications will not have access to certain features. The 3D will remain effective but interactivity will be reduced; hand interaction will cease and the user will be unable to look around objects. Applications may indicate that the service is not available by providing an error message.

    The issue can be resolved by rebooting the Development Kit. If you want you can also attempt to restart the SR Service service manually.

If your issue is not mentioned here, you can always attempt to fully reset the system in the following way. Power down the Development Kit and unplug it, reconnect the plug after waiting several seconds and power the device back on. The Development Kit will reinitialize the appropriate systems.