11# ifdef COMPILING_DLL_DimencoWeaving
12# define DIMENCOSR_API __declspec(dllexport)
14# define DIMENCOSR_API __declspec(dllimport)
27 static_assert(std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(static_cast<bool (T::*)(unsigned int, unsigned int)>(&T::canWeave))>::value,
28 "This weaver class does not implement the canWeave(unsigned int, unsigned int) function of the weaver interface");
29 static_assert(std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(static_cast<bool (T::*)(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)>(&T::canWeave))>::value,
30 "This weaver class does not implement the canWeave(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) function of the weaver interface");
31 static_assert(std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(static_cast<void (T::*)(unsigned int, unsigned int)>(&T::weave))>::value,
32 "This weaver class does not implement the weave(unsigned int, unsigned int) function of the weaver interface");
33 static_assert(std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(static_cast<void (T::*)(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)>(&T::weave))>::value,
34 "This weaver class does not implement the weave(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) function of the weaver interface");
139 static void _SetGlobalParameters(
FLOAT3 userPos);
enum DIMENCOSR_API WeaverTextureType
Definition: WeaverTypes.h:17
enum DIMENCOSR_API WeaverErrorCode
Definition: WeaverTypes.h:22
Definition: Weaver.h:17
void isWeaverClass()
Checks at compile time whether a class implements the all common weaver interface functions.
Definition: Weaver.h:25
static void ReconfigureWeaver()
Reconfigures global weaver parameters.
static float GetFilterSlope()
static void SetGlobalParameters(const char *configPath, FLOAT3 userPos)
Set global shader parameters needed for weaving, using a different .ini file.
static void UnLoadCorrectionTexture(unsigned char **in_pTexture)
Unloads a texture.
static float GetPattern()
static void SetDeviceSerialNumbers(const std::vector< std::string > &deviceSerialNumbers)
Sets the device serial numbers of attached devices to be used when loading calibration data.
static void SetGlobalParameters(FLOAT3 userPos)
Set global shader parameters needed for weaving.
static WeaverErrorCode LoadTexture(WeaverTextureType type, unsigned char **out_pTexture, int *out_width, int *out_height, int *out_channels, int *out_bitsPerPixel)
Load a weaver texture.
static WeaverErrorCode LoadTexture(WeaverTextureType type, unsigned char **out_pTexture, int *out_width, int *out_height, int *out_channels, int *out_bitsPerPixel, bool flipVertical)
Load a weaver texture.
static void SetInstallPath(const std::string &installPath)
Sets the install path for Simulated Reality to be used when configuring the weaver.
static float GetDoN()
Returns D over N in millimeters.
static float GetPx()
Returns pitch in x direction in pixels.
static float GetXTalkFactor()
static float GetXTalkDynamicFactor()
static float GetN()
Returns the refractive index N.
static float GetSlant()
Returns slant as a coëfficiënt.
static float GetFilterWidth()
static void FillAttributes(const FLOAT2 &TextureRes, const FLOAT4 &Position, FLOAT4 &phases, FLOAT4 &dxy, FLOAT2 &ScreenPos, FLOAT2 &WeaverVars)
Fill the vertex attributes needed for weaving.
Definition: WeaverTypes.h:35
Definition: WeaverTypes.h:46
Definition: WeaverTypes.h:54